Fiat 500: Part 3

I'm going to write a record-breaking blog post today. Record-breakingly short, that is. It is almost 8 pm on Sunday. I've just finished rendering the interior images, I posted them to the class forum, and I'm absolutely knackered.

The good thing about this week is that I somehow managed to pull through all the desperation I felt when I looked at the reference images and couldn't figure out what the hell I was looking at. The bad thing is that I didn't get close to UV unwrapping, let alone texturing in Substance. And I'm not even going to mention the Sketchfab. Maybe I'll get to it on a less busy week (but I wouldn't get my hopes too high - if I've developed anything this week, it's a healthy dislike of cars and buttons and weird bits that I don't even have names for).

So, there you have it, two measly paragraphs and three rendered images to follow them. Not my proudest blog post, but hey, you can't get the Pulitzer every week, right?


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