The end (of the blog as we know it)

The Mario box from last week marked two years (and one day) since I started doing the weekly projects. It's been a fun ride, but I've come to the conclusion that the weekly schedule is no longer helping me grow as an artist. I think I've learned the basics and now I'd prefer to be able to post new projects as soon (and only when) they are fully ready.

The time I can devote to Blender has shrunk somewhat in recent months, and as a result, I've been pushed to create simpler and simpler pieces to fit into the schedule. In theory, I could keep on doing this, but I don't think I'd enjoy for very long. And since the enjoyment is still my primary motivation, I made the hard decision to discontinue writing this blog (at least in its current format).

I'm going to move primarily to ArtStation and post new projects there. I've noticed that the site also comes with a blog functionality, so I might give that a try at some point in the future. I could also (potentially) create a Facebook page that would encompass all my 3D activities (projects and videos) - but I'm not super-crazy about social media, so that's a really big "maybe".

If you've enjoyed following my progress, you can still find me on the sites listed in the "Sites to visit" section on the left. I'll do my best to keep it up-to-date. And who knows, maybe I'll miss writing the blog so much that I won't be able to stay away from it for long. We shall see.

With that said, I'd like to thank you for hanging out with me in this nice cozy virtual space, and I'll see you, at some point - somewhere - again.


  1. Hi! Just came across this blog, and I have to say, thank you :)


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